
Reused Wood Packaging is a concept developed and administered by Partner Pack. The concept is built on a foundation of principles, that one must adhere to in order to certify a product as “Reused Wood Packaging”. The details of the certification are still in development, but you can read about the core principles here.

About Partner Pack

The goal for Partner Pack is to balance the customer’s needs and requests with the desire to help the environment and reduce CO2. We want to development solutions that target both the customer and nature.

And we have more than 30 years of experience in doing so. Each employee’s experience with the wood industry combined with our knowledge of the applicable legislation makes Partner Pack the perfect business partner for both practical and innovative packaging solutions, that even reduces your CO2 footprint.

The idea of reusing wood in the packaging industry is not new. But buying and selling pallets where just not enough for us. Hence the concept of “Reused Wood Packaging”, which has been years in development and now has matured enough to be put to market.

Although the concept is still being perfected, we have already had an improved, positive impact on the reduction of CO2 and deforestation – and we will keep doing even better:

We can help you reduce your CO2 footprint too! Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you: